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en:chathouse3d:ingamecontrols [2013/11/25 17:35]
bobocat fleshing out
en:chathouse3d:ingamecontrols [2014/05/22 16:44] (current)
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-====== In Game Controls ======+===== The Control Panel ===== 
 +The control panel provides access to a number of in-game settings and controls. \\ 
-===== Keyboard Commands =====+=== Quick Tutorial Video ===
-{{:key_ctrl.png}}+{{:key_p.png}} to take a Snapshot +{{http://cdn.help.thrixxx.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=en:chathouse3d:vid_controlpanel.mp4|640x360}} 
- +---- 
-===== The Control Panel =====+\\ 
 +**Next Topic: [[en:chathouse3d:customization|Character Customization]]** 
 +===== Using the Control Panel =====
 Click the {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_browseropen.jpg}} button in the top right of the screen to open up the Control Panel Browser Click the {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_browseropen.jpg}} button in the top right of the screen to open up the Control Panel Browser
-The control panel provides access to a number of in-game settings and controls. \\  
 {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_controlbar.png}} {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_controlbar.png}}
Line 84: Line 88:
 ^Facial Expressions^^ ^Facial Expressions^^
 +|List of Expressions| Click one of these icons to change your character's facial expression temporarily|
 ^Gestures^^ ^Gestures^^
 +|List of Gestures| Click one of these icons to make your character do stuff like dance, wave, etc|
 ==== Pose Selection & Controls ==== ==== Pose Selection & Controls ====
 {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_ui_pose.png}} {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_ui_pose.png}}
-^Pose Control Panel^^ +^Pose Controls^^ 
-^Poses Available to join^^ +|Pose Control Panel|This shows variations of the current pose when available| 
-^Available Poses near you^^ +|Poses Available to join|When someone invites you to a pose you will see it displayed here| 
-^All available poses^^+|Available Poses near you|These are poses that you can initiate. This list will change \\ based on your location. E.g. if you are by the couch you \\ will see a list of poses that work on the couch.| 
 +|All available poses|This will show a full list of poses for all locations. When you click \\ one of these your character will move to the location used  \\ for the selected pose.|
 ^Interface^^ ^Interface^^
 +|Floating Pose Panel| Make the Pose Panel float so you don't need the main control panel open|
 +|Show Strapon Poses for Females| Show additional poses that work with strapons for females|