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en:chathouse3d:ingamecontrols [2013/11/25 17:56]
bobocat added more stuff
en:chathouse3d:ingamecontrols [2014/05/22 16:44] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== In Game Controls ======+===== The Control Panel ===== 
 +The control panel provides access to a number of in-game settings and controls. \\ 
-===== Keyboard Commands =====+=== Quick Tutorial Video ===
-{{:key_ctrl.png}}+{{:key_p.png}} to take a Snapshot +{{http://cdn.help.thrixxx.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=en:chathouse3d:vid_controlpanel.mp4|640x360}} 
- +---- 
-===== The Control Panel =====+\\ 
 +**Next Topic: [[en:chathouse3d:customization|Character Customization]]** 
 +===== Using the Control Panel =====
 Click the {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_browseropen.jpg}} button in the top right of the screen to open up the Control Panel Browser Click the {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_browseropen.jpg}} button in the top right of the screen to open up the Control Panel Browser
-The control panel provides access to a number of in-game settings and controls. \\  
 {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_controlbar.png}} {{:en:chathouse3d:c3d_controlbar.png}}