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en:chathouse3d:installation [2014/05/13 17:18]
en:chathouse3d:installation [2014/05/13 18:12] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 Go to the [[http://www.thri.xxx|Thrixxx website]] and log into your account.  Go to the [[http://www.thri.xxx|Thrixxx website]] and log into your account. 
 \\ \\  \\ \\ 
-Install the[[en:launcher|Thrixxx Launcher]] by clicking on the {{:en:support:homepage_launcher_button.jpg}} button.+Install theThrixxx Launcher by clicking on the {{:en:support:homepage_launcher_button.jpg}} button. (Read more about the Thrixxx Launcher [[en:launcher|here.]]) 
 \\ \\  \\ \\ 
 Run the Launcher after it's installed. Run the Launcher after it's installed.