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en:chathouse3d:keyboardshortcuts [2014/05/08 16:42]
bobocat created
en:chathouse3d:keyboardshortcuts [2014/06/03 16:39] (current)
Line 14: Line 14:
 === Movement Controls === === Movement Controls ===
-{{..:..:key_e.png|A}} = Walk forward \\+{{..:..:key_w.png|A}} = Walk forward \\
 {{..:..:key_a.png|A}}/{{..:..:key_d.png|D}} = Rotate left/right \\ {{..:..:key_a.png|A}}/{{..:..:key_d.png|D}} = Rotate left/right \\
Line 20: Line 20:
 === Camera Controls === === Camera Controls ===
-{{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_r.png|R}} = Move the camera close to your character \\ +{{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_r.png|R}} = Reset camera \\ 
 {{..:..:key_page_up.png|PgUp}}/{{..:..:key_page_down.png|PgDn}} - tilt camera up/down (with numlock off) \\ {{..:..:key_page_up.png|PgUp}}/{{..:..:key_page_down.png|PgDn}} - tilt camera up/down (with numlock off) \\
Line 26: Line 26:
 Numpad {{..:..:key_plus.png|+}} Increase the pose speed (with numlock off) \\ Numpad {{..:..:key_plus.png|+}} Increase the pose speed (with numlock off) \\
 Numpad {{..:..:key_minus.png|-}} Decrease the pose speed (with numlock off) \\ Numpad {{..:..:key_minus.png|-}} Decrease the pose speed (with numlock off) \\
-Numpad {{..:..:key_asterisk.png|-}} Next Loop \\+Numpad {{..:..:key_asterisk.png|*}} Next Loop \\ 
 +Numpad {{:en:key_slash.png|/}} Previous Loop \\