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en:editors:modeleditor [2013/06/10 20:34]
bobocat added hair section
en:editors:modeleditor [2019/05/27 12:19] (current)
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-====== Customizer (Model Editor) ======+====== Customizer (Model Editor) - CP ======
 {{:en:editors:modeleditor:model_editor.jpg?800 |}} {{:en:editors:modeleditor:model_editor.jpg?800 |}}
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   * adjusting one hairstyle will adjust all the others as well. Choose your hairstyle first and then do your adjustments   * adjusting one hairstyle will adjust all the others as well. Choose your hairstyle first and then do your adjustments
-  * you can use the "Default Values" button to reset the positioning. Note that this will reset the other values under the "Body" section as well+  * you can use the "Default Values" button to reset the hair positioning back to default. Note that this can only be done under the Body tab options and will reset all the other values under the "Body" section as well.