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en:editors:poseeditor:pose_edit_basic_toolbar [2011/02/02 13:40] external edit
en:editors:poseeditor:pose_edit_basic_toolbar [2021/10/28 09:35] (current)
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-====== Pose Editor - Basic Toolbar ======+====== Pose Editor - Basic Toolbar - CP ======
-<flashplayer width=800 height=600>file=http://cdn.gamerotica.com/modules/Video/flv/263.flv</flashplayer>+{{:en:263.mp4}}
 \\  \\ 
Line 9: Line 9:
 \\ \\
 Please note that there's a typo in the movie, the **Redo** Shorcut is {{:key_ctrl.png|}}+{{:key_shift.png|}}+{{:key_z.png|}}. Please note that there's a typo in the movie, the **Redo** Shorcut is {{:key_ctrl.png|}}+{{:key_shift.png|}}+{{:key_z.png|}}.
 +=== Toolbar Icons ===
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_undo.png|}}|Undo the last action|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_redo.png|}}|Redo the last thing you undid|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_autokey.png|}}|Toggle automatic keying. If you turn this OFF you can set keyframes manually by clicking the checkbox beside the thing \\ you want to keyframe in the [[:en:editors:poseeditor:pose_edit_basic_animation_panel|Animation Panel]]. If this is ON then keyframes will automatically be set in the timeline when \\ you move/rotate the manipulator. You can check if this is ON or OFF by looking at the Status HUD in the upper right corner.|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_keyediting.png|}}|Enable/Disable key editing |
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_collision.png|}}|Toggle character collision. If you turn this off you can get the camera in closer to the character|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_allperson.png|}}|Toggle all-person manipulator|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_manipulator.png|}}|Hide the manipulator. You can also do this by SHIFT+LMB clicking on the joint in the visual pose in the Animation Panel.|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_translation.png|}}|Change the manipulator to translate (move) mode if available|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_rotation.png|}}|Change the manipulator to rotate mode if available (not all parts can be rotated)|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_musicplayer.png|}}|Toggle the music player controls on and off|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_share.png|}}|Upload the current pose to the [[:en:gamerotica|Gamerotica]] community|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_video.png|}}|Record video|
 +|{{:en:editors:poseeditor:pe_toolbar_screenshot.png|}}|Take a [[en:faq:how_can_i_make_a_screen_shot|screenshot]]|