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en:editors:tangents [2011/04/05 23:02]
en:editors:tangents [2019/05/27 12:31] (current)
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-===== Keyframe Tangents and Interpolation =====+===== Keyframe Tangents and Interpolation - CP =====
 When we set keyframes in the Pose Editor or the Sequencer, we are creating poses at specific points in time. This could be the rotation of an elbow, the position of a hip, the amount of a sneer or the position of the camera, etc. In all of these cases we can also specify what happens between the keyframes. This is known as keyframe interpolation. When we set keyframes in the Pose Editor or the Sequencer, we are creating poses at specific points in time. This could be the rotation of an elbow, the position of a hip, the amount of a sneer or the position of the camera, etc. In all of these cases we can also specify what happens between the keyframes. This is known as keyframe interpolation.