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en:homepage [2014/04/03 19:10]
bobocat [User Profile]
en:homepage [2014/05/13 17:53] (current)
bobocat [User Profile]
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 Play all these great games from one thriXXX account. Play all these great games from one thriXXX account.
-{{:en:logos:chathouse_teaser_200.png }} \\+[[http://www.chathouse3d.com|{{:en:logos:chathouse_teaser_200.png |Chathouse3D}}]] \\
 Our 3D online social sex community. \\ Our 3D online social sex community. \\
 Multiplayer two-way interaction\\ Multiplayer two-way interaction\\
-with players all over the world!\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\+with players all over the world!\\ \\ 
 +Visit [[http://www.chathouse3d.com]] to play \\ 
 +or [[en:chathouse3d:start|The Chathouse3D Page]] \\ 
 +for support and info \\ \\ \\ \\ 
 [[http://www.3dgogo2.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_3dgogo2.png?159 |3DGogo2}}]] \\ [[http://www.3dgogo2.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_3dgogo2.png?159 |3DGogo2}}]] \\
-Motion capture dancing and stripping \\ +Motion capture dancing and stripping to your music collection. \\ 
-to your music collection. Dress up the \\  +Dress up the models the way you like them and then make them take it all off again.\\  
-models the way you like them and then \\ +Play DDR music games with your personal exotic dancer! \\ \\  
-make them take it all off again. \\ +Visit [[http://www.3dgogo2.com]] to download \\ 
-Play DDR music games with your \\ +or [[en:gogo2:start|The 3D GoGo 2 Page]] for support\\ \\
-personal exotic dancer!  \\ \\ \\ \\ \\+
 [[http://www.3d-sexgames.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_sexvilla.png?159 |Sexvilla2}}]] \\ [[http://www.3d-sexgames.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_sexvilla.png?159 |Sexvilla2}}]] \\
-Our premiere sex simulator game. \\ +Our premiere sex simulator game. Fuck horny cyberbabes and create your \\ 
-Fuck horny cyberbabes and create \\ +personal fantasies. Customize your partner, environment, animation and stories. \\ \\  
-your personal fantasies. Customize \\ +Visit [[http://www.3dsexgames.com]] to download \\ 
-your partner, environment, animation \\ +or [[en:start|The Main thriXXX Help Page]] for support.\\ \\
-and stories. \\ +
 [[http://www.hentaipark.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_hentai3d.png?159 |Hentai3D2}}]] \\  [[http://www.hentaipark.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_hentai3d.png?159 |Hentai3D2}}]] \\ 
 Hentai flavored version of Sexvilla 2. \\ Hentai flavored version of Sexvilla 2. \\
-Hentai models, tentacle beasts and \\ +Hentai models, tentacle beasts and giant \\ 
-giant robot fuck machines.  \\+robot fuck machines.\\ \\ 
 +[[http://www.hentai3d.com]]\\ \\ 
 [[http://www.3dgayvilla.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_gayvilla.png?159 |Gayvilla2}}]] \\ [[http://www.3dgayvilla.com|{{:en:logos:wikilogo_gayvilla.png?159 |Gayvilla2}}]] \\
 Man on Man version of Sexvilla 2. \\ Man on Man version of Sexvilla 2. \\
 Same great sex simulator for \\ Same great sex simulator for \\
-dudes who like dudes.  \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\+dudes who like dudes.  \\ \\ 
 +[[http://www.3dgayvilla.com]] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\  
 +==== The thriXXX launcher ==== 
 +The Thrixxx launcher is your springboard menu for launching all your Thrixxx games. It updates with the latest promotions and also shows a summary of your account information.  
 +{{:en:support:homepage_launcher.png}} \\ 
 +Click the {{:en:support:homepage_launcher_button.jpg}} button at the top of your homepage screen to activate the Launcher. 
 +See **[[en:launcher|The Launcher Page]]** for more details.
 ==== Media ==== ==== Media ====
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   * Information on how to obtain each reward is on the achievement page in the community section.   * Information on how to obtain each reward is on the achievement page in the community section.
   * Some special achievements (heroic) are only visible when certain achievements are obtained.   * Some special achievements (heroic) are only visible when certain achievements are obtained.
 +For a list of your achievements (and possible achievements) see your **[[http://www.thri.xxx/community/achievements|achievements]]** page.
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  * Logging out logs you out of the launcher but not any active game sessions that you may have started \\ \\ \\  * Logging out logs you out of the launcher but not any active game sessions that you may have started \\ \\ \\
-{{:en:support:launcher_gear.png }} Click to go to your [[http://www.thri.xxx/settings|settings page]]. \\ \\+{{:en:support:launcher_gear.png }} Click to go to your [[http://www.thri.xxx/settings|settings page]]. (You need to be logged into your %%ThriXXX%% homepage for this link to work)\\ \\
 {{:en:support:launcher_mail.png }} Shows a list of your private chat streams. Click to see them. \\ \\ {{:en:support:launcher_mail.png }} Shows a list of your private chat streams. Click to see them. \\ \\
 {{:en:support:launcher_friends.png }} Shows how many of your friends are currently online. Click to see a list. \\ \\ {{:en:support:launcher_friends.png }} Shows how many of your friends are currently online. Click to see a list. \\ \\