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en:howto:convert_avi [2013/02/15 08:48]
en:howto:convert_avi [2021/10/28 09:37] (current)
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 Convert videos with **[[http://www.mediacoderhq.com/|MediaCoder]]**: \\ Convert videos with **[[http://www.mediacoderhq.com/|MediaCoder]]**: \\
-&lt;flashplayer width=800 height=480>image=http://cdn.help.thrixxx.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=en:tutorial:vidcard_tutorials.png&amp;provider=video&amp;file=http://cdn.gamerotica.com/modules/Video/flv/291.mp4</flashplayer>+{{:en:291.mp4}} 
 +Some notes about the videos: \\ 
 +  * **Video Bitrate**: higher bitrate -&gthigher quality and bigger filesize. lower bitrate -lower quality and smaller filesizetry values between 1000 and 2000. 
 +  * **Preset**: fast, faster -> faster conversion, lower qualityslow, slower -> slower conversion, higher quality. 
 +  * **Audio**if you don't use audio at all uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox. 
 +**Bitrate** and **Preset** are your main values for tuning quality and filesize\\ 
 +If you want to force a specific filesize you can enabled &quot;Auto Bitrate&quotand the Video tab and set the desired "Output Size". \\ 
 +There are tons of options in [[http://www.mediacoderhq.com/|MediaCoder]] and it would take hours to explain them all. \\ 
 +Please search on [[http://www.youtube.com/|YouTube]] if you want more detailed informations.