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en:howto:how_to_control_the_camera [2010/06/18 17:55]
en:howto:how_to_control_the_camera [2011/07/22 21:16] (current)
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 To control the camera, the mouse must be placed anywhere in the 3D-room viewport window. To control the camera, the mouse must be placed anywhere in the 3D-room viewport window.
-(NOTE: When the mouse hovers dirctly over modles or some menus, key presses and mouse clicks have a different effects and properties.)+(NOTE: When the mouse hovers directly over models or some menus, key presses and mouse clicks may have a different effects and properties.)
   * In order to 'pan' or move the camera's view target left or right:   * In order to 'pan' or move the camera's view target left or right:
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 Tip 3: Holding {{:key_shift.png|Shift}} increases the movement speed. Tip 3: Holding {{:key_shift.png|Shift}} increases the movement speed.
 +===== Change mouse settings? =====
 +You can also change your personal preferences for muse control functions in the Settings area from the main menus