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en:howto:story_mode [2010/05/04 09:27] external edit
en:howto:story_mode [2011/09/01 14:55] (current)
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 ==== Freemode ==== ==== Freemode ====
-The "FreeModeoffers you a selection as to whom you want to have sex with and set the location.+The [[en:free_mode|FreeMode]] offers you a selection as to whom you want to have sex with and set the location.
 It's up to you how you will satisfy your sex partner. You don't have to make any effort to seduce your partner or talk them into a sexual adventure like in a storymode. In 'Freemode' you can earn a limited amount of 'SexCoins', not to the full extent that you can earn in storymode. It's up to you how you will satisfy your sex partner. You don't have to make any effort to seduce your partner or talk them into a sexual adventure like in a storymode. In 'Freemode' you can earn a limited amount of 'SexCoins', not to the full extent that you can earn in storymode.