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en:support:graphics_drivers [2011/10/25 17:21]
mike added logos and links
en:support:graphics_drivers [2011/10/25 22:51] (current)
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 We recommend that you install the latest graphics drivers for your video adapter, before using thriXXX products. We recommend that you install the latest graphics drivers for your video adapter, before using thriXXX products.
-You can get current drivers from the vendor or the manufacturer of your PC.\\ 
-If this is not possible, you can download drivers directly from the manufacturer of the graphics chip. Please consider, that some special features (e.g. 3D-glasses, extended settings, ...) may not be supported by these drivers.+You can get current drivers from the vendor of your graphics card or the manufacturer of your PC or laptop.\\ 
 +Download drivers directly from the manufacturer of the graphics chip by visiting the links below 
 +Please consider, that some special in-game features (e.g. 3D-glasses, extended settings, ...) may not be supported by these drivers.
 Click the link below for your graphics card manufacturer. Click the link below for your graphics card manufacturer.