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en:userguides [2010/05/04 09:22] external edit
en:userguides [2013/07/08 11:40] (current)
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 [[Creating Textures (eleleehe)|Little runthrough of the process of creating textures]] written by [[http://www.gamerotica.com/profile/eleleehe|eleleehe]] [[Creating Textures (eleleehe)|Little runthrough of the process of creating textures]] written by [[http://www.gamerotica.com/profile/eleleehe|eleleehe]]
-[[http://www.gamerotica.com/share/view/sequence/18129-sequencing-101-the-camera-ver2|Sequencing 101 The Camera Ver.2]] written by [[http://www.gamerotica.com/profile/Branes|Branes]] -> This is a Sequence that need to be downloaded and installed to watch ingame -> [[http://db/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=howto|How to download and play a Sequence?]]+[[http://www.gamerotica.com/share/view/sequence/18129-sequencing-101-the-camera-ver2|Sequencing 101 The Camera Ver.2]] written by [[http://www.gamerotica.com/profile/Branes|Branes]] -> This is a Sequence that need to be downloaded and installed to watch ingame -> [[http://help.thrixxx.com/doku.php?id=en:use_a_sequence|How to download and play a Sequence?]]