====== Shortcuts ====== === Camera Controls === {{..:..:key_esc.png|Esc}} = quit the current active mode. \\ {{..:..:key_back.png|Back}} = back to previous screen. \\ {{..:..:key_a.png|A}}/{{..:..:key_d.png|D}} = Rotate camera left/right \\ {{..:..:key_e.png|E}}/{{..:..:key_c.png|C}} = Rotate camera up/down \\ {{..:..:key_w.png|W}}/{{..:..:key_w.png|W}} = Move camera forward/backward \\ {{..:..:key_r.png|R}}/{{..:..:key_home.png|HOME}} = Reset camera to default position \\ {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} = Faster movement \\ {{..:..:key_esc.png|Esc}}/{{..:..:key_back.png|Back}} = Pause to menu screen \\ More Details at [[:de:howto:how_to_control_the_camera|How to control the camera]] === Screenshots and Video Recording === {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_p.png|P}} = Save a screenshot \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_p.png|P}} = Save a hires screenshot \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_alt.png|Alt}} + {{..:..:key_p.png|P}} = Save a screenshot on green key color background \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_r.png|R}} = Start or stop video recording \\ === Display/Hide GUI === {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_alt.png|Alt}} + {{..:..:key_g.png|G}} = Disable/enable GUI \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_alt.png|Alt}} + {{..:..:key_m.png|M}} = Disable/enable mouse cursor \\ === Miscellaneous === {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_r.png|R}} = toggle the room visibility \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_m.png|M}} = toggle the customizer visibility. === Light Controls === {{..:..:key_l.png|L}} or {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_l.png|L}} = Rotate the light around a vertical axis one way or the other. \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_l.png|L}} or {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_l.png|L}} = Rotate the light around a horizontal axis one way or the other. \\ === Moving Poses === {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_arrow_down.png}}{{..:..:key_arrow_up.png}}{{..:..:key_arrow_left.png}}{{..:..:key_arrow_right.png}} = Rotate the pose on different axes \\ {{..:..:key_alt.png|ALT}} + {{..:..:key_arrow_down.png}}{{..:..:key_arrow_up.png}}{{..:..:key_arrow_left.png}}{{..:..:key_arrow_right.png}} = Move the pose on different axes \\ {{..:..:key_alt.png|ALT}} + {{..:..:key_page_down.png|PGDN}}/{{..:..:key_page_up.png|PGUP}} = Move the pose up and down \\ \\ All the above combined with SHIFT will change the precision to be more fine \\ === Sex Browser === {{..:..:key_space.png|Space}} = Open or close [[:de:SexBrowser|SexBrowser]] \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_1.png|1}} = Activate Model 1 ([[:de:my_self|MySelf]]) \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_2.png|2}} = Activate Model 2 ([[:de:sex_mate|SexMate]]) \\ \\ {{..:..:key_f01.png|F1}} = Switch to quickbar icon 1 \\ {{..:..:key_f02.png|F2}} = Switch to quickbar icon 2 \\ {{..:..:key_f03.png|F3}} = Switch to quickbar icon 3 \\ {{..:..:key_f04.png|F4}} = Switch to quickbar icon 4 \\ {{..:..:key_1.png|1}} = Activate quickbar icon 1 \\ {{..:..:key_2.png|2}} = Activate quickbar icon 2 and so on, up to….. \\ {{..:..:key_8.png|8}} = Activate quickbar icon 8 \\ \\ {{..:..:key_tab.png|Tab}} = Switch between Anal/Vaginal if possible \\ === Pose Edit Shortcuts === {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_o.png|O}} = Open pose \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_n.png|N}} = Create a new pose \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_s.png|S}} = Save current pose \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_z.png|Z}} = Undo \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_shift.png|SHIFT}} + {{..:..:key_z.png|Z}} = Redo \\ \\ {{..:..:key_alt.png|ALT}} + LMB = Activate manipulator on selected part \\ {{..:..:key_w.png|W}} = Set manipulator to translation (move) mode if available \\ {{..:..:key_e.png|E}} = Set manipulator to rotation mode if available \\ {{..:..:key_q.png|Q}} = Hide manipulator \\ =/-/* = Increase/Decrease/Reset size of manipulator \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_a.png|A}} = Set panel to display numeric values (pressing again switches back) \\ \\ {{..:..:key_f.png|F}} = Set camera "look-at" point to current manipulator position \\ {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_f.png|F}} = Set model's "look-at" point to current camera position (make the model look at the camera) \\ \\ {{..:..:key_k.png|K}} = Toggle automatic keying (set a keyframe whenever you change something) \\ {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_k.png|K}} = Toggle key editing (see [[:de:editors:poseeditor:tipsntricks|Pose Editor Tips]] for info on using this)\\ {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_c.png|C}} = Set camera position for this pose to current camera position \\ {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + {{..:..:key_s.png|S}} = Set keyframes on everything (all models) at current frame \\ {{..:..:key_dot.png|Period}} = Jump to next key in timeline \\ {{..:..:key_comma.png|Comma}} = Jump to previous key in timeline \\ {{..:..:key_home.png|Home}} = Jump to start of current section in timeline \\ {{..:..:key_alt.png|ALT}} + {{..:..:key_1.png|1}}/{{..:..:key_2.png|2}}/{{..:..:key_3.png|3}}/{{..:..:key_4.png|4}} = Switch to timeline section 1,2,3 or 4 \\ \\ {{..:..:key_space.png|Space}} = Start/stop animation preview \\ More details at [[:de:editors:poseeditor#pose_editor_keyboard_shortcuts|Pose Editor Keyboard Shortcuts]] \\ === Sequencer Shortcuts === {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_n.png|N}} = start a new sequence \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_o.png|O}} = open an existing sequence \\ {{..:..:key_ctrl.png|Ctrl}} + {{..:..:key_s.png|S}} = save a sequence \\ {{..:..:key_shift.png|Shift}} + drag in the timeline to copy/paste \\ More details at [[:de:sequencer#Working with the Timeline|Sequencer: timeline]] \\