==== Reflection Texture Modding ==== Since Update June 2015, it's possible to control the reflection of modded items.\\ Reflection textures can't have their blendmodes changed, blending is configured to be //additive// - this makes it possible, with a little trick, to actually remove reflections from dress items. === Adding / Replacing Reflection Textures === Adding reflection requires an additional texture to be added to the mod.\\ There's a simple //naming convention// to follow: Just add a texture with the modded texture name and **add .refl to the filename**:\\ E.g. to add reflection to the fetish skirt //F_Fetish001_Skirt.png// just add a second texture named //F_Fetish001_Skirt.refl.png//. This texture will then be used as the reflection texture. == Reflection Texture Example == {{:reflection_texture.png|Reflection Texture}}\\ This is the one used throughout the games. === Removing Reflection Textures === To remove a reflection, we're taking advantage of the additive blend mode of reflection textures.\\ By actually **adding** a reflection texture, we can remove the reflection effect: just use a simple 1x1 black pixel image as a reflection and the effect is not visible anymore. == Black Pixel == {{:black_pixel.png?64|Black Pixel Texture}}\\ //It's just scaled up to be displayed correctly here, but the real size is 1x1//