How to control the camera?

To control the camera, the mouse must be placed anywhere in the 3D-room viewport window. (While the mouse hovers over menus or models, keypresses and mouseclicks have a different effect.)

  • In order to move the camera left or right:

→ Mouse: hold right button on the room,

→ Keyboard: and

  • In order to move the camera forward and backward:

→ Mouse: hold right button on the room

→ Keyboard: and

  • In order to move the camera up and down:

→ Mouse: scroll wheel while on the room

→ Keyboard; and

  • In order to move up and down if you don't have a wheel mouse:

→ Mouse: hold both buttons on the room

  • In order to look at a different spot:

→ Mouse: hold left button on the room

  • If the camera gets stuck or you become disoriented in the room

→ Keyboard: or {Home}

Tip 1: release the button while the white circle is over a person to keep that point as the new focus point.

Tip 2: while holding the left button, use the keys to fly around the room. Use mouse movements to control the direction.

Tip 3: Holding {Shift} increases the movement speed.