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en:texture_mod_tutorial [2011/10/13 23:05]
en:texture_mod_tutorial [2011/11/07 22:17] (current)
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 This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of the [[en:editors:modeleditor|Customization Editor]] and access to a paint program like Photoshop. This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of the [[en:editors:modeleditor|Customization Editor]] and access to a paint program like Photoshop.
 +<wrap tip>**TIP:** If you do not have Photoshop you can use these free alternatives that support PSD files: Artweaver, Paint.Net and GIMP.  GIMP is the most powerful but has a bit more confusing interface than the others. Paint.net is a medium powered alternative that needs a free plug-in to support PSD files. Artweaver is the simplest package and doesn't have the power or bells and whistles of the other two but is dead simple to use and performs the basics adequately. </wrap>
 ===Specific Things That you will Learn=== ===Specific Things That you will Learn===
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 {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_brushbigger.png|}}  Get a bigger or different brush if you need it \\ \\  {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_brushbigger.png|}}  Get a bigger or different brush if you need it \\ \\ 
 {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_fg_color.png|}}  Pick a color \\ \\  {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_fg_color.png|}}  Pick a color \\ \\ 
-{{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_select_color_layer.png|}}  Select the color layer under the "back" group \\ \\ +{{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_select_color_layer.png|}}  Select the color layer under the "back" group. When you draw with the brush it will go on the selected layer. \\ \\ 
 {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_texture_02.png|}}  Draw something \\ \\  {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_texture_02.png|}}  Draw something \\ \\ 
-Save the file. Select //File -> Save As// from the menu. Save it over the //F_Top001_White.png// file in the Activemod folder.+Save the file. Select //File -> Save As// from the menu. Save it over the //F_Top001_White.png// file in the Activemod/outfit_tutorial/ folder.
 {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_outfit_mod01.png|}}  Now here's the fun part. Go back to the game and hit {{:key_alt.png|}}+{{:key_r.png|}} to reload the texture. Woo Hoo! \\ \\  {{:en:howto:outfitmod:om_outfit_mod01.png|}}  Now here's the fun part. Go back to the game and hit {{:key_alt.png|}}+{{:key_r.png|}} to reload the texture. Woo Hoo! \\ \\