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en:faq:where_do_i_buy_sexpacks [2010/05/04 09:27] external edit
en:faq:where_do_i_buy_sexpacks [2011/04/06 12:44] (current)
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 Note: Once you have bought a SexPack, you can't return, sell or trade it. Note: Once you have bought a SexPack, you can't return, sell or trade it.
-"Recurring Memberships Only": SexPacks you own are valid as long as you are an active subscribing member of the game. If you start a new membership, the SexPacks you owned in a former membership are no longer available.+"Recurring Memberships Only": SexPacks you own are valid as long as you are an active subscribing member of the game. If you start a new membership, the SexPacks and SexCoins you owned in a former membership are no longer available.