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en:gogo2:game [2013/09/12 16:48]
bobocat created
en:gogo2:game [2013/09/16 15:59] (current)
bobocat added options screen
Line 35: Line 35:
 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\   \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\  
 +==== Game Options ====
 +{{:en:3dgogo2:game_options.png }} \\ 
 +** Game Options Screen ** \\
 +1 - Click this icon to get to the options screen \\ 
 +2 - Set graphics options. Try lower quality if the graphics are chunky \\ 
 +3 - Customize the game controls. Click a button and then press a key to use for that control \\ 
 +4 - Set hotkey shortcuts for the quickbar. Hit a button to set the hotkey. \\ 
 +5 - Reset the default keyboard setups \\