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en:howto:how_to_enhance_toy_edit_with_textures [2012/05/14 15:29]
bobocat updated, edited and added links
en:howto:how_to_enhance_toy_edit_with_textures [2013/02/11 14:26] (current)
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 ==== The base toy texture ==== ==== The base toy texture ====
-Before thinking about modding the toy's texture, download the [[http://www.gamerotica.com/images/tool_base01.png|toy's default texture]].+Before thinking about modding the toy's texture, download the [[http://www.gamerotica.com/images/tool_base01.png|toy's default texture]], [[http://www.gamerotica.com/images/tool_base02.png|square toy's default texture]].
 {{http://www.gamerotica.com/images/tool_base01.png}} {{http://www.gamerotica.com/images/tool_base01.png}}
 ==== The Toy Textures Folder ==== ==== The Toy Textures Folder ====
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   * On the left side, like in the customizer, there's a panel, with lots of sliders changing the shape of the toy ... scroll down to the very bottom of that window and click the **Refresh Lists** button.   * On the left side, like in the customizer, there's a panel, with lots of sliders changing the shape of the toy ... scroll down to the very bottom of that window and click the **Refresh Lists** button.
   * Now you should be able to apply the image by click-n-searching using the arrow buttons right to __Base__ and __Reflection__.   * Now you should be able to apply the image by click-n-searching using the arrow buttons right to __Base__ and __Reflection__.
 +==== UV base layout overview ====
 ==== Related Pages ==== ==== Related Pages ====