Free Galleries

What is a free gallery?

A “Free Gallery” is a ready-made page with pictures and / or video clips that you may use for your prmotion. These pages need made available to your users for free. It is not permitted to charge a fee for access to these galleries.

Visitors who visit such a gallery, besides next free pictures and videos are given a link to the pay sites. Your affiliate ID is automatically included and forwarded to the pay site.

  • You can put together the layout and content of the various galleries of ready-made templates. The desired galleries you can download a ZIP file and offer it on your server under an arbitrary domain.
  • If you do not have web space available, you can also link directly to the gallery.
  • In both variants your affiliate ID is fully integrated.


Choose left a page you want to promote. Then you get into the area to create pages for galleries and videos.

In the “Images / Movie Gallery Create” proceed as follows:

  1. Choose the type. There are pure pictures or film galleries or galleries combined.
  2. Select the set. A predefined set contains images and / or video clip in a series. In the list of sets available thumbnail images are displayed.
  3. Select the layout. This determines the optical design of the gallery. The list displays only the selected set to appropriate or available layouts.
  4. The title is automatically set to match the chosen set. You can also change the title at any time.
  5. NOTE: If you do not host the gallery on your own but just link to a gallery the default title is set automatically.
  6. If you want to evaluate different campaigns specifically, you now select one of the already created ”[[:de:affiliate:campaign_trackers | trackers]”.
  7. In “Counter”, you specify if visitors to the galleries should be counted for your stats. If the option is enabled, an additional small image in combination with your affiliate ID is loaded from our domain used for counting.

NOTE: If you do not host the gallery on your own but just link to a gallery, then the counter is always enabled.

If you click “Generate”, shortly after the new box “Your Gallery Code” will appear. With the first link you can download the zip file containing the finished gallery. The second link , you can directly call the gallery on our server. Below you will find links to thumbnails in 3 different sizes, you can then use on TGP sites.