Page Peels

Page peels are animated Flash ads that give the impression of the web page peeling away to reveal something behind it.


On the left side, choose the product you want to promote.

A page where you can generate a choose a Page Peel animation to use is displayed.

  1. Choose the page peel thumbnail to be choosen.
  2. Hover on the top right corner of the page to preview it in action.
  3. Choose the Script or Flash version if you want page to on the peel to be white or black.
  4. Note: Script or Flash versions have different page peel style treatments.
  5. Choose the Dark or Light version if you want page to on the peel to be white or black.
  6. Note: Dark or Light only changes the Script version page peel color. Flash uses mirror effect.
  7. Choose the default language to be used.
  8. Assign an optional trackerID for campaign analysis.
  9. Tracker IDs are created in Tools → Campaigns
  10. Click generate and save the zip file content and a description of how it is to be implemented on your web site will be displayed.