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en:free_mode [2011/09/01 15:19]
en:free_mode [2012/05/14 16:07] (current)
Line 10: Line 10:
 2 - [[en:howto:quick_bar|Quickbar]] \\ 2 - [[en:howto:quick_bar|Quickbar]] \\
 3 - Right click to dress/undress, customize or change the camera \\ 3 - Right click to dress/undress, customize or change the camera \\
-4 - Freemode Toolbar \\+4 - Freemode ToolBar \\
 5 - [[en:action_bar|Actionbar]] (Sex controls) \\ 5 - [[en:action_bar|Actionbar]] (Sex controls) \\
 6 - Swap between anal/vaginal version of pose \\ 6 - Swap between anal/vaginal version of pose \\