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en:homepage:chat [2014/03/25 18:24]
bobocat moved from :support to :homepage
en:homepage:chat [2014/04/03 19:00] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Using Chat on Your Thri.xxx Homepage =====+===== Using Chat on Your thriXXX Homepage =====
-Chatting on the Thri.xxx network is a lot like sending text messages on your phone. You can have multiple chats going at once and you can even have group chats.+Chatting on the thriXXX network is a lot like sending text messages on your phone. You can have multiple chats going at once and you can even have group chats.
 {{:en:support:chat_01.png }} To open your chat window, click the Chat tab in the lower right of your homepage screen. \\ \\ \\ \\ {{:en:support:chat_01.png }} To open your chat window, click the Chat tab in the lower right of your homepage screen. \\ \\ \\ \\